In-App Help Section

My Free Trial

How long is my free trial and how many videos can I download?
We start you off with 2,000 MBs of videos to enjoy! Video file sizes vary and there is no way to guarantee how many videos you’ll be able to watch – we recommend that before you download a video, check out the ‘Size’ column to see how large the file is and how many MBs will be deducted from your remaining bandwidth.
Why are some video files grayed out in my free trial?
Files over 2,000 MBs and HD videos aren’t available to free trial so we grayed them out. To access all videos, you can go to the “My Account” tab in the app and upgrade to an Unlimited plan – the videos will be instantly available.
I signed up for a free trial, and now it’s asking me to pay. What do I do?
This is because you’ve logged into the website and not the Graboid application. To log into the app, locate the Graboid TV icon on your desktop and double click on it. Once the app is launched, you can log in with your user details and start using your free trial.


What is bandwidth?
Bandwidth controls the number of videos you can download each month. More bandwidth equals more videos! When you sign up for a Graboid membership, your subscription includes a set amount of bandwidth (GBs) that you can use towards video downloads each month. Each file clearly shows you how much bandwidth is required to download the video and you can see how much bandwidth you have left in the top right hand corner of your screen.
How do I get more bandwidth?
If your free trial just ended or are on a limited bandwidth plan, you can upgrade to an Unlimited plan at any time. Click on the “My Account” tab and upgrade your account.
My file didn’t finish downloading. How do I get a bandwidth refund?
If a video doesn’t successfully download, your bandwidth will automatically be refunded into your account. You’ll have to relaunch the app to see your refunded bandwidth.
I recently upgraded my account but I don’t see my new bandwidth.
The next time you launch the app, your bandwidth will be updated. Sometimes the app needs to be refreshed in order to see your new MBs.
Does my bandwidth roll over from one month to the next?
Your monthly subscription renews every month and any unused bandwidth at the end of the month will be replaced with your new bandwidth. If you choose to cancel your account at any time during the month, any remaining bandwidth will be available until your account expires.

My Account

What is my password?
If you’re having trouble remembering your password, visit the “Help” section on the Graboid website. Type your email address or username in the box on the right and click on “Get Password”. We’ll instantly send you an email with your login information.
How do I update my credit card information or email address?
Once you’re logged into the Graboid app, click on the “Account” tab – in the sidebar you’ll see “Useful Links”. Click “Change Password/Edit Profile” and you’ll be able to update and save your changes. You may not see it update right away on your “Account” page, but it will save immediately in our system.
How do I cancel my service?
You can cancel your service by logging into your account on the website (located on the top right hand side of the page) or from the “Account” tab in the Graboid app. All you need to do is click on “Cancel Subscription” in the bottom right corner of the “Account” tab and you’re done.
I updated my credit card info but it’s still not showing up.
It will take a few minutes for your updated credit card information to refresh in your account – don’t worry, it will be updated immediately in our billing system.
I keep getting a CVV2 error but the 3 digits on the back are correct.
Sometimes, if you’re declined on your first payment attempt, the system will automatically reset the expiry date information on the sign up form. If you don’t change the expiry date again, it can cause a CVV2 error. Before clicking “Subscribe and Pay”, we recommend double checking all of your billing information.
Can I use my Graboid account on more than one computer?
You can use your Graboid account on any device that has the Graboid application installed. However, for access to all of your previous downloads, you will need to make sure the “Completed File Path” exists on all the devices.

Note: If you download a video and save it to your computer, it will not show up on others devices.
Does my bandwidth roll over from one month to the next?
Your monthly subscription renews every month and any unused bandwidth at the end of the month will be replaced with your new bandwidth. If you choose to cancel your account at any time during the month, any remaining bandwidth will be available until your account expires.
What happens if I upgrade my membership but still have remaining MBs in my old account?
Upgrading your membership will automatically reset your MBs to the newly allotted amount for the new plan and any unused bandwidth will not be carried over.
I signed up for a free trial, and now it’s asking me to pay. What do I do?
This is because you’ve logged into the website and not the Graboid application. To log into the app, locate the Graboid TV icon on your desktop and double click on it. Once the app is launched, you can log in with your user details and start using your free trial.
How do I upgrade my account?
There are two simple ways to upgrade your account:

Option 1: If you’re logged into the Graboid application, click the “Account” tab. This will take you to the “Members Area” page where you can choose the membership of your choice by clicking on “Membership Type”. Once you’ve made your selection, click the “Upgrade” button. You will be asked to enter your billing information on the payment screen. Before clicking “Subscribe and Pay”, be sure to double check that all of your billing information is entered correctly.

Option 2: If you’re not logged into Graboid, go to and log in (top right corner). Once you log in, you’ll be taken to the “Members Area” page where you can choose the membership of your choice by clicking on “Membership Type”. Once you’ve made your selection, click the “Upgrade” button. You will be asked to enter your billing information on the payment screen. Before clicking “Subscribe and Pay”, be sure to double check that all of your billing information is entered correctly.
I’m trying to create an account with Graboid, but it’s saying I already have one.
This usually happens if someone else has created an account on the computer in the past, or if the IP address is temporarily blocked. Please contact Customer Service at and they’ll unblock the email address and reset your settings so that a new account can be created.

Download Issues

My download is complete but it’s not in English.
Select “Play the Video in VLC” from your “Completed Files” under the “Download” tab. Once it starts to play in your VLC player, click on “Audio Menu” located in the top left corner and hover your mouse over “Audio Track”. If there are multiple tracks listed, one of these will be English. If there is only one audio track listed, it may be that the file was mislabeled.

If you’re searching for English language videos only, be sure to download files with a US flag beside them. Videos without a US flag could be in any language.

You can also set the language filter in the app to only search for English language videos.

Tip: If the file is 2000MBs or less, try streaming the video first to verify the language before downloading.
My download is complete and I have sound but no video.
This can often be fixed by playing the video in your VLC player. If that doesn’t work, try switching between full screen and window mode or manually resizing the window. If the problem persists, it is most likely an issue with the file itself.
My download manager did not start properly.
To resolve this issue, click on the “Settings” tab in the application and set your completed downloads path to c:\Graboid\Complete. Once you have changed your completed downloads path, click “Save” and log out of Graboid (please allow 15 minutes for the connections to reset).

If the above option doesn’t work, go into your Control Panel and uninstall your current version of Graboid. Once uninstalled, reinstall the most recent versiono f the software – you can check out the Get it Now page to get the latest version for free.

Note: The files you have previously downloaded will not show up in the newly installed Graboid application because it will not recognize the new path. The files will remain on your computer, in the original path, found in your “Documents” folder.
My file is stuck at 0%. Why isn’t it downloading?
The download could be stuck for a few different reasons:

The server could be denying access because too many simultaneous connections are open. To resolve the issue, shut down the Graboid application (please allow 15 minutes for the connections to reset).

Only one instance of Graboid can be used for downloading or streaming at a time. Make sure no one else is currently using your account.

If the above options didn’t help, try the following:

Shut down Graboid, delete the “Graboid Temp” folder from your download directory, and then add the video back to your queue. Right click the Graboid icon on your desktop, select “Run As Administrator”, or remove the protection from unauthorized use. Turn off your firewall. If that solves the problem, then give Graboid permission to go through and turn it on again.

If you’re still having trouble, try visiting our online community or contact Customer Service at for more assistance.
My download completed and then it disappeared.
First, be sure to check out the “My Downloads” tab in the app – this is where your completed downloads show up.

If they’re not in the “My Downloads” tab, it could be that the folder name is too long or that the file path does not exist on your computer. To resolve this issue, click on the “Settings” tab in the application and set your completed folder path to c:\Graboid\Complete. Once you have changed your completed file path, click ‘Save’ and log out of Graboid (please allow 15 minutes for the connections to reset).
Why is my video taking so long to download?
Your download or streaming speed can be affected by two things – Graboid servers or your personal internet service provider (ISP) / connection.

In the event that the Graboid servers are down, a notice will be posted when you log into the app, informing you that you will not be able to download or stream. We’ll also post updates on when we expect the issue to be resolved.

If you’re not having issues downloading with the app, but it’s a slow process, the issue is probably with your ISP or your internet speed. Try closing other programs that are connected to the internet to help increase your download speed.
My file finished downloading but it keeps “processing”. When will it finish?
If your file is stuck on “processing” it could mean that there is an issue with the file. You can either wait it out (unfortunately, there’s no exact time on how long you will be waiting) or you can try to download a different file.
My video downloaded, it says “Processing Did Not Finish” but it used up my MBs.
A lot of the time, when a file is stuck processing, it’s because the format is a .rar file (they appear as many small files) and Graboid can have troubles unpacking this type of file.

An easy fix is to unpack the file manually:

First, you will need to download a program called WinRar which is free to download from You will then need to locate the Graboid ‘Completed’ folder on your hard drive where you should find the video folder listed. If you do not see the video in the ‘Completed’ folder, please check your ‘Partials’ folder (shown inside the ‘Completed’ folder). You can also locate your file by clicking the ‘locate’ button found in the download section. At this point, WinRar should be installed and you simply double click one of the files and extract it.

Note: If you’re unsuccessful at unpacking the file, we’ll happily refund your bandwidth for you.
My video says “Preparing to Download” and then it disappears.
To resolve this problem, follow the simple steps below:

Windows 7 and Vista users:

Step 1: Close the Graboid application and click on the Start Menu in the bottom left corner of your screen Step 2: In the “Search programs and files” field, type in: %localappdata% and hit enter Step 3: Locate the “Graboid” and “Graboid Inc” folders. Right click on each folder and select delete (this can take a few minutes for each) Step 4: Once the folders are deleted, close these windows and download the application again.

Windows XP users:

Step 1: Close the Graboid application and click on the Start Menu in the bottom left corner of your screen Step 2: In the “Search programs and files” field, type in: run and hit enter Step 3: In the Run window type in: %userprofile%\\local settings\\application data and hit enter Step 4: Locate the “Graboid” and “Graboid Inc” folders. Right click on the each folder and select delete (this can take a few of minutes for each) Step 5: Once the folders are deleted, close these windows and download the application again.
(Check out the Get it Now page to get the latest version for free.)
I received a message that said: “Error Retrieving File Info. Please try another file or try it again in a couple minutes.”
If you see this message, please go to your Start Menu and locate your Control Panel. In the Control Panel, click on Network and Internet > Internet Options > Connections (located across the top) > LAN Settings (located in bottom right corner) and make sure the Proxy Server is not checked. If it is checked, deselect it and click “OK”.
All my completed videos have disappeared and I can’t download anything.
To resolve this issue and get the missing files back, follow the simple steps below:

Windows 7 and Vista users:

Step 1: Close the Graboid application and click on the Start Menu in the bottom left corner of your screen Step 2: In the “Search programs and files” field, type in: %localappdata% and hit enter Step 3: Locate the “Graboid” and “Graboid Inc” folders. Right click on each folder and select delete (this can take a few minutes for each) Step 4: Once the folders are deleted, close these windows and download the application again.

Windows XP users:

Step 1: Close the Graboid application and click on the Start Menu in the bottom left corner of your screen Step 2: In the “Search programs and files” field, type in: run and hit enter Step 3: In the Run window type in: %userprofile%\\local settings\\application data and hit enter Step 4: Locate the “Graboid” and “Graboid Inc” folders. Right click on the each folder and select delete (this can take a few of minutes for each) Step 5: Once the folders are deleted, close these windows and download the application again.

(Check out the Get it Now page to get the latest version for free.)

Streaming Issues

I’m trying to play a video and it says “Buffering”, but then nothing happens.
Unfortunately, this sounds like you have downloaded a corrupt file. If the video shows that it is buffering and nothing starts to play within 15-20 seconds, click the “Stop” button immediately. The longer you let the video buffer, the more MBs will be deducted from your bandwidth. To avoid this frustration in the future, check to make sure the video is marked as “High” quality a large number of user votes before streaming it.

Another possibility is that your speed is not fast enough to stream the video you’ve selected. Your internet speed needs to be a least 1500 kbps for large files and at least 6000 kbps for DVDs.

Billing Support

When will I be billed for my membership plan?
To make it easy to remember, your credit card will be charged on the day you activate your account and on the same date each subsequent month.

If your billing date falls at the end of the month, you may occasionally notice that your billing date is a few days before or after your usual date.

Your billing date is subject to change in the event of an upgrade.
How do I cancel my service?
You can cancel your service by logging into your account on the website (located on the top right hand side of the page) or from the Account tab in the Graboid app. All you need to do is click on Cancel Subscription in the bottom right corner of the Account tab and you’re done.
How do I get a refund?
Graboid offers a free trial so that all users have a chance to try out the service before committing to a membership. For this reason, it is not our policy to offer refunds on premium subscriptions, as indicated in the terms of service on our site.

Note: If a file fails to download during your membership with us, we’ll happily refund your bandwidth for you.
Do you accept PayPal?
No, unfortunately we no longer accept PayPal as a payment method. We do accept Visa, Discovery and MasterCard and we guarantee that your credit card information will be in safe hands. Whether you’re updating your payment information, or signing up for the first time, you can be sure that our website is 100% safe and secure.
I’m getting an AVS error. What does that mean?
An AVS error means that the billing address you entered does not exactly match the address associated with the credit card you provided. If the address you’re entering is an exact match and you continue to receive this error, please contact your financial institution to confirm the information they have on file.
How do I see my billing history?
To review your billing history, log in to your account on the website (located in the top right hand corner) or log into the Graboid application and click on the “Account” tab. You can find your most recent billing activity at the bottom of the page under “Payment History”.

Playing Videos

How do I play a video in full screen using the ‘Play’ option for my downloaded videos?
To play a downloaded video on a PC, double click on the video once it starts playing. The video will then conform to the size of your screen. To exit out of full screen mode, double click on the video to minimize your screen.

While in full screen mode, you can also do the following by pressing the key on your keyboard:

M – Mute T – Show Time Played/ Time Left Space Bar – Play/Pause S – Stop F – Full screen

Note: If you are a MAC user, you will want to play the video in the VLC Media Player.

Mobile Support

How do I access the Graboid mobile site?
You can go to to queue up videos or flag them for later. Anything you queue and flag from your mobile device will be ready and waiting for you in the app when you get to your desktop computer.
Can I watch videos on my mobile device?
Unfortunately, you can’t watch videos, but you can queue up videos or flag the for later on your mobile device so they’ll be downloaded and ready to watch when you get home.

Finding Videos

I recently upgraded to the newest version of Graboid and now I don’t see any new videos.
Once you install a new version, reset your filters and you will be able to see significantly more results.
I can’t find the latest episode of my favorite show. Where is it?
Graboid does not host or post any of the videos in our library and we can’t guarantee when a video will be available.

In the app, you can set an Alert to be notified with a specific video becomes available.

You can also follow your favorite series and we’ll send you a message as soon as the next episode is available.
I searched for a video on the Internet and it took me to Graboid, even though the video wasn’t available through your site.
Graboid works with a number of websites that provide links to services where you can access content. Unfortunately, because we do not host or post content and because content changes on a daily basis, we cannot guarantee that the video you’re looking for will always be available.
Can I request a certain video?
Graboid does not host or post content which means, unfortunately, that we can’t take video requests. If you can’t find the video you are looking for, please check back often. Graboid is constantly being updated with thousands of new and popular videos.

In the app, you can set an Alert to be notified with a specific video becomes available.

You can also follow your favorite series and we’ll send you a message as soon as the next episode is available.